A temporary aspect, the mill gone and houses are to fill the gap. Rail, river and canal leapfrog up the valley. Slaithwaite viaduct with local stopper.

Weavers cottages and the mills that replaced them. The cottages survive, the mills are retail, leisure, artisan. Colne Valley was Luddite central, now Commuterland. Train to the fleshpots of Manchester, Leeds and beyond.

Canal between two compensating reservoirs at Sparth. The left is a Lido, both are fishing lakes. Marker stone in foreground.

Winding hole, canal, West Slaithwaite. Compost corner. The hillock more Devon than West Riding.

Coal drops, Slaithwaite. Quiet now except for birds.

A side entrance to the old station, or a goods office - I'm not sure. Nice bit of LNWR lamp work.

Viaduct east of Slaithwaite. The vertiginous lean is mine. Skip hire and whatnot beneath the vaulting arches.

The other side. Disused mill, wolf leading couple.

Heading towards Linthwaite along the canal. One doesn't like to ask.

Demolished cottage near Linthwaite coal drops. End of Colne Valley industrial excursions for the moment.
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